klutzy_girl wrote in 206_bones Apr 02, 2012 19:23
actors: tamara taylor, comm: twitter
crazyboothsocks wrote in 206_bones Feb 21, 2012 22:29
comm: twitter, actors: michaela conlin
klutzy_girl wrote in 206_bones Aug 01, 2011 12:40
comm: twitter, eps: 7x02 - the hot dog in the competiti, actors: david boreanaz, episodes: spoilers s7
klutzy_girl wrote in 206_bones Jul 25, 2011 20:32
other shows: angel, comm: twitter, actors: david boreanaz
klutzy_girl wrote in 206_bones Jul 20, 2011 22:57
comm: twitter, pictures: other, episodes: spoilers s7, episodes: season seven
klutzy_girl wrote in 206_bones Jul 15, 2011 15:35
comm: twitter, actors: david boreanaz, episodes: spoilers s7
klutzy_girl wrote in 206_bones Jul 01, 2011 13:32
comm: twitter, actors: tj thyne
klutzy_girl wrote in 206_bones May 02, 2011 22:18
comm: twitter, actors: david boreanaz, episodes: season seven
klutzy_girl wrote in 206_bones Apr 16, 2011 07:46
eps: 6x23 - the change in the game, comm: twitter, media: pictures, actors: t.j. thyne, episodes: spoilers s6, pictures: t.j. thyne, pictures: michaela conlin, actors: michaela conlin
klutzy_girl wrote in 206_bones Apr 12, 2011 20:13
comm: twitter, pictures: behind the scenes, people: hart hanson, actors: emily deschanel, pictures: emily deschanel